Nomination Period Opens for IDA 2022 Industry and Sustainability Awards |

Nomination Period Opens for IDA 2022 Industry and Sustainability Awards

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 – Boston, MA. IDA is delighted to announce that, at this year’s World Congress Dinner in Sydney Wednesday, October 12, 2022, we will be honoring the efforts of selected companies, organizations, and even cities with exciting awards. The nomination period for these awards is now open. Those who challenge themselves to innovate and meet the increasing demands for municipal and industrial water needs will be acknowledged for their exceptional contributions to the Desalination and Water Reuse sectors. These expanded awards better reflect the diversity of contributions present in the water industry. From municipalities to corporations, these IDA award categories can recognize the varied ways in which the global community is tackling water scarcity to ensure a future in which clean water and sanitation are universal.